Number of articles: 4

Message of Pope Francis for World Day of the Sick

The 27th World Day of the Sick is being celebrated in Calcutta, India, on 11 February 2019, feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.

From the Church and the Pope

Saint Joseph sorrows and joys

Download The sorrows and joys of St Joseph with illustrations by Palmira Laguens of the high points in the life of the holy patriarch St Joseph and the Holy Family, from the shrine of Torreciudad, Spain.​


"A Smile and Joy"

"Smiling is an act of humility; it means I accept myself and my way of being, remaining where I am with a holy peace." An article by Carlo de Marchi, Vicar of Opus Dei for Central-South Italy.

Fostering Interior Life

Source of Joy

Christians should be truly joyful. Christian optimism is based on the fact that a royal way to the greatest good of all has been opened up to us: the way to God.

Fostering Interior Life