Number of articles: 4664

Meditations: Solemnity of Pentecost

Reflections for the Solemnity of Pentecost. The topics are: the Holy Spirit initiates and spurs forward our mission; the Paraclete grants us the gift of forgiveness; God’s life and strength are given to us by the Holy Spirit.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditations: May 18, Feast of Blessed Guadalupe

Some reflections on the life of Blessed Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri that can guide our prayer on her feast day.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditations: Saturday of the Seventh Week of Easter

Some reflections that can assist our prayer on the eve of the Solemnity of Pentecost.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditations: Friday of the Seventh Week of Easter

Some reflections that can assist our prayer as we draw close to Pentecost.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditations: Thursday of the Seventh Week of Easter

Some reflections that can guide our prayer as we draw close to the great feast of Pentecost.

Fostering Interior Life

Letter from the Prelate (15 May 2024)

With the feast of Pentecost drawing near, the Prelate of Opus Dei encourages us to reflect on the action of the Holy Spirit in our souls. And to continue praying for the work on the Statutes.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

"Christian love embraces what is not lovable"

In his 15 May general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechetical cycle on vices and virtues, speaking about hope.

From the Church and the Pope

Meditations: Wednesday of the Seventh Week of Easter

Some reflections that can assist our prayer during these days leading up to the great feast of Pentecost.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditations: Tuesday of the Seventh Week of Easter

Some reflections that can guide our prayer as we prepare for the great feast of Pentecost.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditations: May 13, Our Lady of Fatima

Some reflections that can assist our prayer on the feast of Our Lady of Fatima, on May 13th.

Fostering Interior Life